Vadodara ( Gujarat ) Police video

Vadodara city police has produced a video to show how women can fight
the purse and bag snatchers on the road.

The language spoken in the video is Gujarati which many people may not
understand hence , the translation is as follows

In the video it is shown that as soon as the culprit tries to pull
your bag you should immediately hold on to the strap and sit down
because of which the bag snatcher who is on the run will fall down .
It is also shown that you should try to put the bag across on your
shoulder to avoid the bag being pulled however , even if you put the
bag on one shoulder you can apply the same technique of just holding
the strap tightly and sit down .

Even if the bag snatchers are on the motorcycle so that they can pull
it and speed away the women should use the same tactic of holding on
to the strap and sit down which will make the culprit loose the
balance and fall off the bike .

The Vadodara police chief in his speech also explains the same and
also requests the victims to make noise and call out to people for
help when they fight the culprit .

Dhananjay / K Shah